Free day - Reisverslag uit Chaumont, Frankrijk van Elise Lechat - Free day - Reisverslag uit Chaumont, Frankrijk van Elise Lechat -

Free day

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Elise

12 Maart 2017 | Frankrijk, Chaumont

Today I could finally sleep longer then 7.30. I woke up at 12.30 and had some breakfast/lunch. I ate a croissant and some bread. After brunch I took a shower and started my day. I did some homework, watched some tv and sat outside in the sun. My parents went away to do some visiting in towns nearby and I stayed home doing homework, since I have some tests to catch up on. At 17.00 I did a little souvenirshopping with my mother and we walked around on the park. At 20.00 we ate dinner and then I started packing, because tommorow I leave. This internship was way too short.. I enjoyed it so much and I'm going to miss everyone.

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Verslag uit: Frankrijk, Chaumont


Hierbij zullen jullie mijn reisverslag zien over mijn stage. Ik loop stage bij de receptie van Center Parcs Les Hauts de Bruyères in Frankrijk.

Actief sinds 20 Feb. 2017
Verslag gelezen: 1847
Totaal aantal bezoekers 88793

Voorgaande reizen:

06 Maart 2017 - 13 Maart 2017

Mijn eerste reis

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